Mountain Moss — book

Moss Gardening Book -- SUCCESS! 0
THANKS to each of you who has bought my book, The Magical World of Moss Gardening. It all started here in my own moss garden. Soft cover versions are now in the 3rd printing. Hard cover books are already out of print (although I have some saved for my customers). I’m excited that I’ve finally received my first royalty check from Timber Press. I celebrated this momentous occasion with my best mossin' buddy, Leila, my dearest brother, Dale, and my precious mother, Rachel.
If you don’t have your book yet or want to get another one to share with a friend… and you want to show your appreciation and direct support of my mossy endeavors, then please place your book order for an autographed copy through my Web site. If you have found my book helpful, please take the time to provide a book review. I’m encouraging comments be posted on Qutee -- ?Moss Gardening Book. For those of you who have bought books through Amazon, a 5-star review will be greatly appreciated.
In the NEWS 0

- Annie Martin
- Tags: book moss moss book moss for sale moss gardening moss gardening book Timber Press Uncategorized
MOSS-apalooza -- September 5, 2015 0