Mountain Moss — moss expert

Moss Landscaping Expertise 0
Creating moss landscapes is the specialty niche of Mountain Moss’ team of trained professionals. Mossin’ Annie provides expertise to landscape design architects and homeowners on how to achieve MOSS-some results! Phone and on-site consultations are the starting points. Impressive and innovative moss retreats, lush moss and stone paths, and moss lawns can be yours – no waiting for mosses to grow in – instant gratification – year-round green can be your reality!
Word of mouth is the best advertising. As a satisfied customer, you can help us with our marketing outreach to new clients by providing a review on Houzz.

Spreading the Moss Word 0
Blessed with the gift of gab, I’ve been enjoying sharing my passion for moss gardening at lectures around the country. It’s such a privilege to make new moss friends. In January while at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University, my program drew the largest audience turnout ever for a Duke Garden Forum lecture! Upcoming public events in 2017 include UNC-Charlotte – Certificate in Native Plant Studies, June 10; Cullowhee Native Plant Conference, July 21; and Atlanta Botanical Gardens Lecture, August 22 and Workshop, August 23. For an informative and entertaining program, book Mossin’ Annie as a featured gardening speaker for your club meeting or conference.

FAQs and Inquiries 0
As much as I like to talk about moss, due to the volume of inquiries, I just can’t keep answering each person’s questions individually. But, you still have options. Many answers can be found by perusing our Web site or referring to my book.
For Frequently-Asked-Questions, please post your inquiry on Qutee -- ?Ask Mossin Annie which offers search functions to find archived moss topics of interest. (Give me a couple of months to catch up with all the questions accumulated in the que.) Finally, if you have special circumstances and want more specific advice, you can now schedule a telephone consultation which includes a review of your reference photos.
Moss Landscaping Services 0
Our landscape services include site consultations, turn-key installations and a bit of hand-holding for DIY folks with our moss garden mentoring option. As a licensed NC Landscape Contractor and expert on moss gardening, Mossin’ Annie and her trained moss team can transform your garden with the year-round green appeal of verdant mosses. Our largest project to date, over 2500 square feet of mosses installed in Madison, Georgia between snow storms in February 2014, is looking magnificent this year. Time is the true test of success! Another major cool project now in the works is the Ira B. Jones Elementary School Alumni Moss Garden in Asheville, NC.
Childhood friends are organizing an alumni group crossing all generations to create a learning moss garden as our first effort together. To complement the learning garden, we’ll develop a protocol for curriculum standards to mirror the expectations of science educators who teach about the Plant Kingdom. We want to expand the focus to include our planet’s first land plants – bryophytes. Donations are welcome in support of this educational program.
A shout out for DIY moss gardener, Dick Shullman in Connestee Falls near Brevard, NC. One of my lectures in Fall 2014 peaked his interest. Then a site consultation in November provided him with a better understanding of moss planting methods. And now, he’s become a moss gardener extraordinaire. In fact, his moss garden is so impressive already that it was included on the community garden tour in June 2015.
His gnome village is captivating.