Mountain Moss — bryophyte
Moss Landscaping Services 0
Our landscape services include site consultations, turn-key installations and a bit of hand-holding for DIY folks with our moss garden mentoring option. As a licensed NC Landscape Contractor and expert on moss gardening, Mossin’ Annie and her trained moss team can transform your garden with the year-round green appeal of verdant mosses. Our largest project to date, over 2500 square feet of mosses installed in Madison, Georgia between snow storms in February 2014, is looking magnificent this year. Time is the true test of success! Another major cool project now in the works is the Ira B. Jones Elementary School Alumni Moss Garden in Asheville, NC.
Childhood friends are organizing an alumni group crossing all generations to create a learning moss garden as our first effort together. To complement the learning garden, we’ll develop a protocol for curriculum standards to mirror the expectations of science educators who teach about the Plant Kingdom. We want to expand the focus to include our planet’s first land plants – bryophytes. Donations are welcome in support of this educational program.
A shout out for DIY moss gardener, Dick Shullman in Connestee Falls near Brevard, NC. One of my lectures in Fall 2014 peaked his interest. Then a site consultation in November provided him with a better understanding of moss planting methods. And now, he’s become a moss gardener extraordinaire. In fact, his moss garden is so impressive already that it was included on the community garden tour in June 2015.
His gnome village is captivating.

Timber to publish new moss gardening book 0
Mountain Moss is pleased and proud to announce that Timber Press, the world's largest publisher of gardening books, will be publishing my moss gardening book.
Needless to say, I am quite honored and excited to partner with this respected publisher. To share my passion and expertise with others has been a personal and professional goal. My book will answer key questions about “how-to” become a successful moss gardener. This 250 pp book will be loaded with pertinent info and enhanced by at least 200 impressive photographs. I hope my casual writing style will appeal to a wide audience (but I'll still be using some scientific terms for accuracy and clarification). Of course, lots of work lies ahead. Writing and print production will take well over a year. The editor has told me that the title will change several times before printing. So, expect my moss gardening book (by whatever title) to reach your local bookstore in 2015.
For those of you who know me personally, you'll realize this is a giant leap in my moss journey. I've paid my dues by researching topics and systematically conducting field experiments related to effective cultivation methods with various bryophytes, substrates, maintenance requirements and recommended watering regimes. I'm ready to share techniques so others can experience the joys of moss gardening. It's been a long trek but all my mossin' activities feed my spirit. Thanks to all my friends and supporters who have encouraged me to follow my mossy dreams!
Go Green With Mosses!
Mossin' Annie
PS Keep following our blog. We'll be reaching out to other gardeners to share their own moss gardening experiences and publication-quality photographs for possible inclusion in my book.
Mountain Moss May Newsletter Intro 0

Welcome 2011 0
As 2011 begins, moss plans in motion. Surely all these baby steps will lead to giant leaps this year. Yesterday started off with email contact from a moss lover in California. It's exciting to connect with folks who have always wanted to use mosses in their landscapes. Memories from childhood or fascination with glimpses of green throughout all seasons seem to prompt this desire to treat mosses as real plants for serious consideration. Moss connections continued throughout the day. A Florida moss lover sent back glowing comments about her new moss calendar and Mood Moss Mini Terrarium necklace. While shipping a 2011 Bryophyte Calendar to another moss lover in Virginia, I ran into a Louisiana hurricane transplant. He commented on seeing a niche of bright green mosses along the high ridges of the Blue Ridge Parkway up at Sam's Knob. When I bumped into the dog catcher, he said guys were wondering when the “Moss Lady” was coming back to the animal shelter. Guess it's time for another rescue of Atrichum and Mnium from behind the kennels again. After trying to peddle a few calendars at the local bookstore, I headed home. To my delight, a professor friend from Roanoke called and we talked over an hour about potential mosses for land reclamation at rock quarries. Collaborative project in the works. Finally, I spent time in my own moss garden. The 10 inches of Christmas snow has melted already and green is once again revealed for winter pleasure. New Entodon seductrix sporophytes have appeared nestled under the fronds of Appalachian Rock Polypody fern.
So many ways to Green America with Mosses! The future is bright... and green! Go Green With Moss in 2011!
PS There's still time to order your own Moss Calendar NOW!
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Moss gardeners unite! 0
Moss gardeners exist all around the world. The beauty and allure of green mosses integrated with other fungi and lichens is truly outstanding to behold. Congratulations to the Christchurch Botanic Gardens for winning the GOLD award at the International Ellerslie Flower Competition. As a moss gardener, I am pleased to post this video for y'all to enjoy. Thanks to my moss friend, Clive, in New Zealand for sharing this clip.
Another moss garden has caught my attention -- the Cibodas Bryophyte Park at the Cibodas Botanic Garden in West Java, Indonesia. Thanks to my moss mentor and friend, Ken, in Tennessee, USA, for keeping me inspired.
Go Green With Moss!
Check out our upgraded Web site for lots of photos, info about moss gardening, and our new MOSS SHOP. Here's the Fall Newsletter.