Mountain Moss
Moss Lawn -- Success Story! 0
Moss Lawn – Mossin' Annie's Success Story!
My moss lawn experiment has resulted in a magnificent green expanse with various textures and shades to create curb appeal. In a year's time, 750 sq ft lawn area is 95% covered in bryophytes. As a moss landscape designer and moss farmer, it has been a priority to determine methods for universal success. Committed to quality services and products, it is important to me to confirm my assertions about moss landscaping... following the old adage, “proof is in the pudding.”
While I began serious moss gardening over a decade ago, I finally got rid of the last grass lawn sections in September 2010. I wanted to start a moss lawn from scratch and determine how long it would take to achieve solid coverage. Rather than using my typical method of contingent planting directly on soil, I used several different substrates (i.e., black landscape fabric, erosion control eco-mat, and felt). My planting technique consisted of hand-sized patches and fragments.
Since sun exposures vary throughout the year and during the span of a day, these sections get full sun; partial shade/sun; and even full shade situations. Planting appropriate types that tolerate this range of sun exposures was my first decision. Using types that I hypothesized would meet the challenge of this experimental lawn, I proceeded with: these mosses: Hedwigia, Entodon, Thuidium, Hypnum, Dicranum, Leucobryum, Philonotis, Polytrichum, Bryum and Ceratodon.
Growth rates have varied with Entodon and Thuidium leading the way. Leucobryum has earned the indignity of coming in last place in terms of overall success. Please note: Light spots in the photographs are just sun spots. The actual mosses are green without any dead patches at all. Although I'll admit the Leucobryum in the lawn area is in a major asexual transition right now.... and, it has suffered a bit from "too much" watering as well.
This lawn is actually a bryophyte lawn since it is not just mosses.
I've been impressed with the liverwort, Marchantia, and its ability to attach and spread at a fast rate. The texture of this 90 sq ft section of Marchantia is amazing. These liverworts provide a deeper green hue and massive amounts of magical umbrella “sporophytes.” And... it's exciting to report that I've even discovered a hornwort, Anthoceros laevis ssp. carolinianus that has introduced itself right into my front yard.
It is important to provide supplemental watering in brief but frequent sessions to achieve these impressive results. Growth may be spotty or occur at much slower rates if you just let Mother Nature provide rainfall for all the moisture needs of a moss lawn.
As people begin to recognize the environmental benefits of a moss lawn over a grass lawn, a practical reference guide is needed. More insights into ways to successfully grow your own moss lawn will be addressed in my first moss gardening book. Your support in this book endeavor will allow me to share my expertise with other gardeners and landscapers.
We have an extensive and exclusive selection of moss types... and liverworts at our Mossery. You can shift your own paradigm from grass to mosses and buy some bryophytes from our online Moss Shop. Go Green With Moss!
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Moss-as-Art Creations 0
Moss-as-Art Creations by Mossin' Annie
The magic of mosses has fascinated many of us since childhood. Fantasy worlds for fairies and homes for pet chameleons prompted my first terrarium. In this miniature landscape of mosses, I could let my imagination soar through the cool, green mosses. Mosses make us smile and many folks have shared their own moss memories with me. There are many moss lovers who appreciate the beauty of bringing mosses indoors.
Want to bring the “green” inside for holiday enjoyment? Or give “green” gifts this year?
Mossin' Annie creates exceptional LIVE moss art. Using “forest driftwood” as containers, her designs mirror the beauty of a forest floor. These one-of-a-kind creations feature various mosses with selected miniature plants. Some of this season's creations feature spalded maple logs with lichens. Whether given as a gift to that special person in your life or as a gift to yourself, these artistic pieces will delight you for a long time.
Our marvelous moss terrariums add a touch of elegance to any interior and require minimal maintenance. Terrariums are making a comeback and our terrariums feature mosses and native plants that thrive in this contained mini-environment. By following our misting guidelines, these moss terrariums, dish gardens and moss art logs can thrive for years.
We've captured back some of that childhood magic in the creation of our own moss art to share with others. Our online Moss Shop offers a good selection for all your holiday needs. Contact Mossin' Annie directly to discuss larger custom orders for special events, weddings or conferences.
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Moss Gardening Book 0
It's time to spread the moss word. So, I'm ready to write my first moss gardening book entitled, The Magical Realm of Eco-friendly Mosses – A Practical Guide to Moss Gardening Projects. My book will provide insights into the aesthetic, botanical and environmental reasons for choosing mosses which will distinguish it in the marketplace. Written in a conversational style that will appeal to the lay person, this easy-to-read guide will serve as a valuable reference to gardeners, landscapers, environmentalists, and educators around the world. Enhanced by impressive color photographs, the book will be published in a variety of eBook formats as well as a soft-bound cover version.
Growing Interest in MOSSES
As people have become more environmentally-conscious, there has been a growing interest in mosses. These amazing plants are not only beautiful with their year-round green but they offer solutions to environmental concerns of groundwater contamination, erosion control, and reducing air pollution. Because of their unique botanical characteristics, mosses require NO chemicals – NO fertilizers, NO pesticides, and NO herbicides – in contrast to common practices used in traditional landscaping and lawn maintenance.
It has been a challenge for gardeners to move beyond myths and generalizations about these miniature plants and to proceed with proven methods for success that are bryophyte specific. Indeed, all mosses don't just live on the north side or in the shade. In fact, there are many types that even tolerate sun exposures. Many people have expressed interest in the publication of a moss book that highlights a variety of innovative and sustainable approaches for “greening” our urban environments.
The Magical Realm of Eco-friendly Mosses will fill an information void on topics not covered in current books and address key questions left unanswered. By promoting the benefits of mosses as a horticultural choice and providing expert planting advice, this book will enable people to embrace these fascinating plants! Mossin' Annie will demonstrate how mosses can be featured in innovative designs, sustainable landscapes, moss lawns, living walls and green roofs.
Want To Learn More about My Moss Gardening Book?
This blog post is a summary of my book project. Visit to learn more about our fundraising campaign where a short proposal is posted for potential donors to review. We'll keep our contributors posted with regular updates so that you can follow our book progress. If you still want to learn more, a detailed project proposal can be found right here on
Spreading the MOSS Word
We'll appreciate all of your gifts and any efforts on your part to promote our Indiegogo fundraising campaign. Contributions will be used to proceed with writing this valuable reference and publishing it in eBook formats as well as a soft cover print version. We have targeted Summer 2012 for the official book release date. If you'd like to suggest topics for inclusion in my book or offer moss gardening advice, please post your ideas on this Blog. By sharing this BLOG post or any of the above LINKS with your friends, you help us achieve our goals through one of the best marketing methods – “word of mouth.”
MOSSY Thanks
I am determined to promote the environmental value of mosses through a variety of avenues and maintain a positive vision. Publishing this moss gardening book is critical next step in our educational mission and desire to share the joys and advantages of mosses. THANKS for pitching in and believing in the value of my moss journey. Join my team of moss advocates and help make this book happen. DONATE NOW to our book campaign to help make it become a reality. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.
Mossin' Annie
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Sustainability: A Lush Life-WNC Magazine 0
MOSS IN THE MEDIA: Spreading the word about the benefits of mosses has been a focus of Mountain Moss Enterprises' educational outreach. Calling attention to the environmental advantages as well as their exceptional beauty is central to my moss mission in life. Through workshops, lectures, social networking and the media, we wave our "Go Green With Moss" flag. Thanks to WNC Magazine for publishing this feature article in their June 2011 issue entitled, Sustainability: A Lush Life. Creatively crafted words by Gary Carter and outstanding photographs by Patrick Cavan Brown emphasize the value of mosses in landscapes. These guys did a great job of capturing the essence of my moss message to others.
Annie Martin champions resilient mosses as the key to greener landscapes...
"It would be an understatement to describe Annie Martin, aka Mossin’ Annie, as passionate about moss. In fact, if you want to learn just about anything related to those soft green masses underfoot, ask Annie. Among the things you’ll quickly find out is that Martin admittedly isn’t a formally trained bryologist, but is a self-proclaimed “pure old moss lover,” who finds in each one a magical, miniature world.
She attributes her affection for mosses to a childhood spent in Asheville that included frequent camping trips and playing in her grandmother’s yard in the Kenilworth neighborhood. She recalls making terrariums in elementary school, and how that interest grew and evolved into her business, Mountain Moss Enterprises, which specializes in the design and installation of eco-friendly moss gardens and sustainable landscapes. Here in the mountains, Martin has a wealth of material with which to work.
Roughly 450 types of mosses thrive in Western North Carolina, a respectable representation of a species that dates back more than 450 million years. Bryophytes, Martin loves to point out, were in place 50 million years before any other plant, paving the way for other vegetation.
“They have watched every major climatic catastrophe occur on this planet,” she says. “They saw the dinosaurs come and go, and they’ll watch us come and go.”
Yet mosses are often overlooked, going unrecognized and unlabeled even in botanical gardens. And Martin finds it downright insulting that there isn’t a comprehensive field guide for bryophytes.
She is determined to raise their profile by educating others on the distinct features that make mosses exceptional. They have no roots, but rather filaments that anchor them to virtually any surface. Their leaves are not coated, enabling mosses to absorb water and nutrients through their entire surfaces. They don’t produce flowers or seeds, which means mosses are in a constant state of reproduction through spores. Even fragments can quickly become new plants. Proven survivors, bryophytes manage in nutrient-poor conditions, from acidic forest floors to concrete driveways. Mosses also tend to be resistant to extreme temperatures, producing an acid that acts like antifreeze and allows them to flourish even beneath snow and ice.
Martin has developed her knowledge over the last dozen years, and has come to the realization that she was born a “moss artist.” “I came to look at the land as my canvas and realized that my paints are the mosses—the textures, shapes, shades of green,” Martin explains.
Her insight combines self-attained scientific knowledge and curiosity. Over the years, she’s observed mosses in their natural state and introduced them into new landscapes to document growth patterns and uncover their horticultural uses. Her experiments confirmed her assumptions that not all mosses thrive only in shade as commonly believed; she found that some types tolerate partial sun and even like direct light. She now adamantly believes the key to keeping them healthy is proper moisture.
The increasing public interest in sustainability, Martin contends, may be the catalyst that finally boosts understanding and broad-based use of her beloved bryophytes.
So far, she sees many key audiences, such as environmental advocates, developers, land planners, and landscape architects, slowly gaining awareness of the plants’ eco-attributes and versatility. Mosses are showing up more frequently in living roofs and urban greening projects, and are finding respect in land reclamation and erosion control efforts.
Homeowners and landscapers can also use mosses as an alternative to mulch, since bryophytes allow water to soak through to the soil and provide a nurturing, lush green base instead of a drab brown layer that needs regular replenishment.
Imagine also a moss lawn that needs no chemicals or pesticides to flourish, requires a fraction of the water used for grass, never needs mowing, and is green year-round. Martin asserts that mosses could one day become a local cash crop like the turf grasses grown commercially in huge fields near her home in Pisgah Falls.
Martin reluctantly thinks of herself as a pioneer and an expert, but only after believing she’s done enough research and produced practical examples of sustainability.
But there’s something even beyond that: “I want people to recognize the value of mosses and how they’re good for the planet,” says Martin. “Then you also reap the spiritual benefits, the serenity we all want from our gardens.”
Article published in WNC Magazine, June 2011. Written by Gary Carter. Check out photos by Patrick Cavan Brown. His own fascination in my moss garden kept him shooting images on two different days.
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Moss Nursery–The Mountain MOSSERY 0
Mountain Moss is happy to announce expansion of our nursery operations – The MOUNTAIN MOSSERY! While Mountain Moss focuses our moss collection on rescues from high impact sites, we recognize the value of cultivating bryophytes for sustainable landscape applications. We have addressed issues of propagation and conducted our own research on growing all types of bryophytes with an emphasis on fast-growing types and those mosses that tolerate sun exposures. Our goal is to introduce new eco- moss options to environmentally-conscious homeowners, landscapers and green roofers.
In 2010, Mountain Moss Enterprises received a grant through the NC Tobacco Trust Fund, Western North Carolina Agricultural Options program. We proceeded to research container production and develop methodologies for cultivating mosses as a potential cash crop for small farmers that historically have been dependent on tobacco farming. The study included 20 kinds of mosses and liverworts, various substrates and supplemental watering regimes. No chemicals were used in production, and therefore, groundwater contamination was nil. While further horticultural research is indicated that is bryophyte specific, we have determined preliminary types and started to develop BMPs (best management practices).
As an aspiring entrepreneur with limited funds for research, I continue to take steps toward growing the moss industry in a responsible manner with emphasis on alternative energy sources and rainwater harvesting. “With a little help from our friends”... and family... we are determined to move forward. Thanks to Claire and Eric Stephenson for the use of their cold frame in Cedar Mountain during our first phase of nursery production. Now, MAJOR THANKS to Betsy Smith for sharing her land in Penrose as we move into our next phase of field production.
Mountain Moss is happy to announce the opening of our new nursery – The Mountain MOSSERY. We started setting up operations on Talley Road near Brevard this week. Dale, Leila and I looked like the “Beverly Hillbillies” moving in but in good spirit, the Three MOSSketeers worked hard and accomplished a lot. The site offers both shade and sun locations with a Northwest exposure. While we will rely upon a well and traditional power source initially, we hope to include alternative energy such as solar power and water supplies from rainwater harvesting, holding pond or the nearby mountain stream using a RAM pump in the future.
In addition to continued research, we are expanding field production areas and developing pre-vegetated moss mats. Our Mountain Moss Mats will make it easy to install a moss lawn or green roof. Our new site offers a tin roof for experimentation on BMPs regarding mosses for green roofs. We are committed to field-testing our concepts before they are formally introduced to the market place. Sustainability of moss applications can only be proved with successful results that last over time.
Our business approach is based upon principles of responsible land management that are environmentally-friendly and moss applications that will last for years to come. We are excited about this next step in distinguishing Mountain Moss as a premier supplier of quality LIVE mosses through our research and expertise in practical moss gardening. The MOUNTAIN MOSSERY is now a reality! We've accomplished another milestone toward our BIG mossy ideas. Go Green With Moss!
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