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Moss Gardening Book


It's time to spread the moss word. So, I'm ready to write my first moss gardening book entitled, The Magical Realm of Eco-friendly Mosses – A Practical Guide to Moss Gardening Projects. My book will provide insights into the aesthetic, botanical and environmental reasons for choosing mosses which will distinguish it in the marketplace. Written in a conversational style that will appeal to the lay person, this easy-to-read guide will serve as a valuable reference to gardeners, landscapers, environmentalists, and educators around the world. Enhanced by impressive color photographs, the book will be published in a variety of eBook formats as well as a soft-bound cover version.

Growing Interest in MOSSES
As people have become more environmentally-conscious, there has been a growing interest in mosses. These amazing plants are not only beautiful with their year-round green but they offer solutions to environmental concerns of groundwater contamination, erosion control, and reducing air pollution. Because of their unique botanical characteristics, mosses require NO chemicals – NO fertilizers, NO pesticides, and NO herbicides – in contrast to common practices used in traditional landscaping and lawn maintenance.

It has been a challenge for gardeners to move beyond myths and generalizations about these miniature plants and to proceed with proven methods for success that are bryophyte specific. Indeed, all mosses don't just live on the north side or in the shade. In fact, there are many types that even tolerate sun exposures. Many people have expressed interest in the publication of a moss book that highlights a variety of innovative and sustainable approaches for “greening” our urban environments.

The Magical Realm of Eco-friendly Mosses will fill an information void on topics not covered in current books and address key questions left unanswered. By promoting the benefits of mosses as a horticultural choice and providing expert planting advice, this book will enable people to embrace these fascinating plants! Mossin' Annie will demonstrate how mosses can be featured in innovative designs, sustainable landscapes, moss lawns, living walls and green roofs.

Want To Learn More about My Moss Gardening Book?
This blog post is a summary of my book project. Visit to learn more about our fundraising campaign where a short proposal is posted for potential donors to review. We'll keep our contributors posted with regular updates so that you can follow our book progress. If you still want to learn more, a detailed project proposal can be found right here on


Spreading the MOSS Word
We'll appreciate all of your gifts and any efforts on your part to promote our Indiegogo fundraising campaign. Contributions will be used to proceed with writing this valuable reference and publishing it in eBook formats as well as a soft cover print version. We have targeted Summer 2012 for the official book release date. If you'd like to suggest topics for inclusion in my book or offer moss gardening advice, please post your ideas on this Blog. By sharing this BLOG post or any of the above LINKS with your friends, you help us achieve our goals through one of the best marketing methods – “word of mouth.”

MOSSY Thanks
I am determined to promote the environmental value of mosses through a variety of avenues and maintain a positive vision. Publishing this moss gardening book is critical next step in our educational mission and desire to share the joys and advantages of mosses. THANKS for pitching in and believing in the value of my moss journey.  Join my team of moss advocates and help make this book happen. DONATE NOW to our book campaign to help make it become a reality. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

Mossin' Annie

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